Why Undergo Dental Implant Surgery?

why undergo dental implant surgery

Do you hate smiling in photos or refrain from laughing? Ditch the fear of judgement and gain your confidence back with dental implant surgery. This surgery allows you to have natural looking teeth in perfect alignment, that are fitted permanently in place.

A dental implant procedure differs slightly than replacing singular teeth and the benefits extend beyond superficial reasons. They also allow you to gain your strong jaw back. Prevention of bone loss is a huge reason why to consider dental implant surgery. Dentures do not stop bone loss from occurring, but implants to, by reforming your jaw. If taken care of properly, you can use your artificial crowns for the rest of your life.

Dentures VS Implants

People have been using dentures for years when faced with missing teeth. So why should you have a tooth implant procedure, a procedure much more invasive and painful than having dentures?

The reasons are quite simple. Having a dental implant procedure solves the disadvantages of dentures. With dentures, you may have to remove them prior to eating certain foods. It can be slightly embarrassing and inconvenient. Dentures can also cause pain in the gums and inflammation of the gums when biting down on something.

With an implant, you don’t have to worry about this. You never have to take out your crown or worry about the strength while eating food. Dentures also unfortunately do not stop the loss of bone in the jaw that occurs when a tooth falls out. This may not seem to have much effect at first but you will eventually begin to notice the loss of bone.

Implants are treated like normal teeth. The maintenance is simple: brushing and flossing daily. While with dentures, they must be cleaned in a gentler manner to make sure you do not fracture the teeth.

Dental implants also have the advantage of looking exactly like your natural teeth. You can be sure that this won’t happen if you have a tooth implant procedure. Cosmetically speaking dental implants are a flawless way to manage your confidence and regain your smile. You will be on track to enjoying your favorite foods once again, with dental implants. Consult with your doctor on if they believe this procedure is for you.

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