Category: Dental Implants

Are you seeking options to replace one or more missing teeth, but you are nervous because of the myths that you have heard about dental implants? A dentist in Clearwater, FL can assist with choosing the perfect tooth or teeth replacement options for you. To aid in your decision making, listed below are 5 myths...

If you are experiencing tooth loss due to decay or trauma, you may be interested in replacing them. A great option to do so is with dental implants. For your convenience, dental implants can often be placed within the same day as your visit to a dentist in Dunedin, FL. Dental implants are colored to...

After receiving dental implants in Dunedin, FL, you’ll want to take care of your investment. Once they have been surgically placed by a trained professional, dental implants can last you a lifetime. However, you still need to take a few steps to ensure that your implants — and mouth in general — stay healthy.  ...

You may be missing all the teeth in your upper or lower jaw. Nevertheless, you have options when it comes to restoring your smile in Clearwater, FL. Many adults work with their dental providers to decide whether removable dentures or full-arch dental implants make more sense. Below are some questions to ask yourself to help...

Dental implants are a great and commonly used option for replacing missing or damaged teeth in Clearwater, FL. As such, especially if you are experiencing tooth loss or damage and are interested in receiving dental implants, you may be wondering about their overall safety and longevity. A dentist can assist you in making the best...

What is a dental implant? A dental implant is surgically attached metal post to your jawbone as a support to an artificial tooth. After placed, a dentist or an oral surgeon screw in a replacement tooth to the implant. The success rate for a dental implant is high but there are still complications and failures...

Many people suffer from tooth loss for one reason or another. Regardless of whether you lost a tooth to decay, disease, or an accident, we offer tooth replacement options such as dental implants in Dunedin, FL. Here are five reasons why dental implants are so valuable to replace missing teeth!   1. Minimal Maintenance Dental...

With new advances in dental technology and the ease of treatment, there is no reason that every patient should not love their smile. Your smile is a big part of who you are, and we believe you should always have the confidence you need to show it off. If you have missing or broken teeth,...

Do you have missing teeth and are looking for a way to fill in any gaps so that you can smile big and wide again? Dental implants might be the right choice for you! Have you heard horror stories about dental implants being involved with gum disease and that has deterred you from wanting to...

Are you self-conscious about your smile because you have missing teeth? Did you know that your bite can be thrown out of alignment and your facial shape could change because of missing teeth? You can replace your missing teeth and get a great smile again with dental implants! A dentist in Dunedin, FL might highly...

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